Title Credit Typesort descending Event date Cost
Airway & Skills Cadaver Lab w/Dr Branney Jan 24, 2024
    • 1.50 Airway, Ventilation, Respiratory
      • 0.75 NCCP-ARV: Oxygenation
      • 0.75 NCCP-ARV: Ventilation
    • 0.50 Cardio
Enduring $0.00
Neuro- Acute Stroke-Session 2-February 17th 1100-1200 Hours
    • 1.00 Cardio
Enduring $0.00
Initial MAAM Training - Falcon Fire, June 2024
    • 2.00 Airway, Ventilation, Respiratory
      • 0.50 NCCP-ARV: Oxygenation
    • 2.00 Medical
    • 1.50 Trauma
      • 0.50 NCCP-Trauma: Fluid Resuscitation
      • 1.00 NCCP-Trauma: Hemorrhage Control
Enduring $0.00
SAR CON 2023: Breakout Session A: Lost Person Behavior
    • 1.00 Operations
      • 1.00 NCCP-Operations: Field Triage - Disasters/MCIs
Enduring $0.00
EMS Resiliency - Traumatic Stress, Peer Support, Self Care - WBT
    • 0.75 Medical
      • 0.75 NCCP-Medical: Psychiatric and Behavioral Emergencies
    • 0.75 Operations
      • 0.75 NCCP-Operations: EMS Provider Hygiene, Safety, and Vaccinations
    • 1.50 Participation
Enduring $0.00
Miscarriage-Refresher 2024-WBT
    • 1.00 Medical
      • 1.00 NCCP-Medical: OB Emergencies
Enduring $0.00
Whole Blood In The Field-Refresher 2024-WBT
    • 0.50 Trauma
      • 0.50 NCCP-Trauma: Fluid Resuscitation
Enduring $0.00
Endocrine Emergencies-Webinar 2023-WBT
    • 1.00 Medical
      • 1.00 NCCP-Medical: Endocrine Emergencies - Diabetes
    • 1.00 Nursing
Enduring $0.00
Zebra’s, Ham and Honey-Webinar Week Session 4-January 30th 1500-1600 Hours
    • 0.75 Airway, Ventilation, Respiratory
    • 0.25 Medical
    • 1.00 Nursing
Enduring $0.00
Pediatric Case Review Hurtado CCEMS March 2024
    • 2.00 Operations
      • 2.00 NCCP-Operations: Pediatric Transport
Enduring $0.00
Scene Safety-Refresher 2023-WBT
    • 1.00 Operations
      • 1.00 NCCP-Operations: EMS Provider Hygiene, Safety, and Vaccinations
Enduring $0.00
Capnography - Not Just EtCO2-WBT
    • 1.00 Airway, Ventilation, Respiratory
      • 1.00 NCCP-ARV: Capnography
    • 1.00 Participation
Enduring $0.00
Rattlesnake June 2023 CE Stroke review Enduring $0.00
Coronary Artery Disease - CAD - Anatomy - WBT
    • 1.00 Cardio
      • 1.00 NCCP-Cardio: Acute Coronary Syndrome
Enduring $0.00
Loveland Ski Patrol Nebulizer, CPAP, breathing interventions and splinting 13 November 2023
    • 1.00 Airway, Ventilation, Respiratory
      • 0.50 NCCP-ARV: Oxygenation
      • 0.50 NCCP-ARV: Ventilation
    • 1.00 State, Local, and Individual
    • 1.00 Trauma
Enduring $0.00
