Title Credit Type Event date Costsort descending
TESSA Trauma Informed Care-Refresher 2023-WBT
    • 1.00 Operations
      • 0.50 NCCP-Operations: EMS Culture - Culture of Safety
      • 0.50 NCCP-Operations: EMS Research
Enduring $0.00
If you’ve seen one concussion, you’ve seen one concussion- Recognition and Initial Management of Concussion in Adults and Children-Webinar Week...
    • 1.00 Nursing
    • 1.00 Participation
    • 1.00 Trauma
      • 1.00 NCCP-Trauma: Central Nervous System
Enduring $0.00
Diabetes-Refresher 2024-WBT
    • 1.00 Medical
      • 1.00 NCCP-Medical: Endocrine Emergencies - Diabetes
Enduring $0.00
CCEMS Anaphylaxis August 4-7, 2024
    • 2.00 Medical
Enduring $0.00
TBI Trauma 11/13-15-17/2023
    • 2.00 Trauma
      • 1.50 NCCP-Trauma: Central Nervous System
      • 0.50 NCCP-Trauma: Fluid Resuscitation
Enduring $0.00
Death Notification -Refresher 2024-WBT
    • 1.00 Operations
      • 1.00 NCCP-Operations: Crew Resource Management
Enduring $0.00
Neuro-stroke Mimics-Refresher 2023-WBT
    • 1.00 Cardio
      • 1.00 NCCP-Cardio: Stroke
Enduring $0.00
Anaphylaxis Review and EPI; A Match made in Heaven-Session 4-February 2nd 1500-1600 Hours
    • 0.75 Airway, Ventilation, Respiratory
    • 0.25 Medical
    • 1.00 Nursing
Enduring $0.00
Multi-System Organ Dysfunction - WBT
    • 1.00 Participation
    • 1.00 Trauma
      • 1.00 NCCP-Trauma: Fluid Resuscitation
Enduring $0.00
Burn Lecture and Guideline Updates North Group 1/15-17-19/24
    • 1.00 Airway, Ventilation, Respiratory
      • 1.00 NCCP-ARV: Oxygenation
    • 0.50 State, Local, and Individual
    • 0.50 Trauma
      • 0.50 NCCP-Trauma: Fluid Resuscitation
Enduring $0.00
Hartsel Fire March 2024 CE
    • 2.00 Medical
    • 2.00 Participation
    • 2.00 State, Local, and Individual
Live 03/27/2024 - 19:00 $0.00
How'd That Get In There
    • 1.00 Medical
      • 1.00 NCCP-Medical: Toxicological Emergencies - Opiods
Enduring $0.00
Children’s Behavioral/De-Escalation-Session 1-February 17th 0900-9:30 Hours
    • 1.00 Medical
Enduring $0.00
Carfentanil for Prehospital - WBT
    • 0.50 Medical
      • 0.50 NCCP-Medical: Toxicological Emergencies - Opiods
    • 0.50 Participation
Enduring $0.00
Loveland Ski Patrol EMS Stress and Resiliency 2024
    • 1.00 Operations
      • 1.00 NCCP-Operations: EMS Culture - Culture of Safety
Enduring $0.00
