Event date
  • 1.00 Medical
  • 1.00 Medical
  • 1.00 Medical
  • 1.00 Medical
  • 0.50 Airway, Ventilation, Respiratory
  • 0.50 Medical
Going over skills via stations 
  • 1.00 Medical
  • 1.00 Nursing
This class will introduce the student to the innate and acquired immune response.  The subject matter will include the inflammatory response system and how it is key to the development of the immune response.  The student will also be introduced to how immune compromised patients are at higher risk for sepsis.  The student will be introduced to the different stages of sepsis, how to diagnose sepsis and the current treatment modalities  
  • 0.50 Medical
  • 1.00 Nursing
  • 0.50 Operations
“All Jacked Up” will hit home with almost all of the audience. This not just an educational talk about the effects of energy drinks on our patients. This is also a talk about how it affects YOU! First Responders chronically use energy drinks to power through their shifts, but what is the consequence? Are there any benefits?
  • 0.50 Medical
  • 1.00 Nursing
  • 0.50 Trauma
This session will cover one of those types of calls that strikes fear into every provider’s heart: the sick pediatric patient. We will cover one of the various forms of shock and then formulate different treatment strategies for them. These guys are scary because they can compensate tremendously well and for a long period of time before they suddenly decompensate and get very sick, very fast.
  • 0.75 Airway, Ventilation, Respiratory
  • 0.25 Medical
  • 1.00 Nursing
This session covers the underlying pathology of anaphylaxis, and allergic reactions. Additionally, we will review the various treatment modalities with particular attention towards Epinephrine. Many agencies have moved away from the Epinephrine auto-injector as it is cost prohibitive and instead moved to permitting BLS personnel to administer the medication after drawing it up traditionally.
  • 1.00 Medical
  • 1.00 Nursing
This session will cover the normal pharmokientics of one of the most common and insidious overdoses to plague our nation in the past 10 year; the narcotic overdose. Dr. Bronsky will review the how opiates work, why they are so addictive and then the normal treatment strategies we have at our disposal to included Narcan administration.
