Event date
  • 2.00 Operations
This session is for anyone who wants to better understand different disciplines dogs work within (e.g. trailing, air scent, avalanche, water) and how, when and why to use and work with a dog team. The session will include field demonstrations.
  • 2.00 State, Local, and Individual
Come learn about Flight For Life’s unique deployment program, which allows rescuers to be transported into the field aboard the Flight For Life helicopter. Lift Ticket cards can be acquired by authorized rescuers of participating agencies.
  • 2.00 Operations
Get an introduction to a variety of avalanche transceivers on the market and test them out. Learn search strategies for a multiple beacon search. When multiple people in your party are buried, time is of the essence. We will also let people test the RECCO device.
  • 4.00 Operations
Learn how to troubleshoot when you are about to run out of rope or you were not expecting a knot pass. We'll cover several methods to transfer to a raise or pass a knot/damaged section of the rope.
  • 4.00 Operations
A hands-on workshop exploring several remote rescue scenarios (low-angle & high-angle) with 8mm -9.5mm ropes and component-based equipment.
  • 2.00 State, Local, and Individual
In 1973, the year the Eisenhower Tunnel and Copper Mountain Resort opened, CSAR (then CSRB) and Summit County Rescue Group incorporated and Flight For Life entered its first year of operation.  All three organizations will celebrate their 50th anniversary with this trifecta history panel; we’ll talk about how things were then, what’s different now, and everything in-between.  Join Charley Shimanski as he moderates a panel of veteran members from all three organizations, including their current leaders.
  • 2.00 State, Local, and Individual
Come learn about Flight For Life’s unique deployment program, which allows rescuers to be transported into the field aboard the Flight For Life helicopter. Lift Ticket cards can be acquired by authorized rescuers of participating agencies.
  • 1.00 Operations
Thought-provoking ideas on rope rescue, including critical thinking on how rescue systems are evolving. 
  • 1.00 Operations
A geeky dive to the molecular level of the textiles and metals we use in technical rescue. Participants will come away with a better understanding of the best tool for the job when they are reaching for the gear on their harness in the heat of the mission.
